Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Crappy Valentine's Day

You love her, but she loves him
And he loves somebody else
You just can't win
And so it goes, till the day you die
This thing called love
It's gonna make you cry
I've had the blues, the reds and the pinks
One things for sure
Love Stinks!

J. Geils Band, "Love Stinks"

Valentine's Day is for suckers. When you're unattached and downtrodden February 14th pretty much sucks. Celebrate by taking a bunch of the songs from this here blog, downloading them and putting them on to one fine mix CD, entitled "Getting Over the Dork." Pass it out to friends, keep one stashed away for yourself. Remember that this holiday was completely fabricated by people with the last name Hallmark out to make an extra buck ninety-five. And Cupid does rhyme with stupid. And most poetry sucks. And chocolates are bad for you. And champagne gives you a headache. Reclaim the day with an Eve Ensler-inspired party. Or not. But don't fret, this whole thing will be over tomorrow.

Oh and NPR has posted their own list of break-up songs on this day, although no music. Perhaps I will pick a few of their best ones and post those over the next few weeks. And what do you know, Love Stinks is there.

Pop Candy has also picked a few break-up songs for the holiday and I'm jumping on a few of Whitney's picks in coming weeks. How could I have forgotten Whiskeytown? And Scandal?!

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